From plantation to sales, from harvest to production, everything we do is sustainable.
We took the cause of the preservation of the Juçara Palm Tree as our mission.
So, every time you eat Juçaí, besides tasting a delicious Brazilian classic and nurturing your body, you are also helping to plant new trees and preserve de Mata Atlantica in Brazil.
Sustainability is present in all our actions!
From plantation to sales, we embrace nature conservation as our mission.
The açaí berry can come from different trees, among them, Euterpe edulis, a native palm tree and symbol of the Atlantic Forest. Popularly known as juçara, it produces a fruit that, besides being delicious, contains much more antioxidants than traditional açaí berry. Unfortunately, this tree faces risk of extinction.
Its palm heart is very much appreciated, but to be obtained, the palm tree needs to be felled and, as there is no regrowth, the tree ends up dying.
Juçaí was created with the mission to, through the use juçara’s fruit, preserve and give an economic value to the standing, living tree. That’s why choosing Juçaí is so special! You consume the ultimate superfruit, very nutritious and energetic, and still help save the juçara palm tree from extinction.
In nature, species live in a constant and natural exchange between them and with the environment they live in. The juçara palm tree’s fruit is an important source of food for several animals of the Atlantic Forest that, in return, disperse the seeds, planting new generations of the tree. In our harvest of juçara berries, we always leave 33% on the trees, so that our little winged friends don’t lose an important source of energy!
Relationship with collectors
The importance of juçara also involves the local community, which has strong cultural roots with the palm tree. When we give economic value to the living tree, by preserving its fruit, we also fairly remunerate the collector, a very important figure for the ecosystem. Therefore, we respect the sociocultural relations of the Atlantic Forest, which involve the environment, the wildlife and the local community.
In addition, we do not use any type of synthetic fertilizer or pesticide, only natural resources.
We also help animals even more: for every Juçaí, produced, we return more seeds to the Atlantic Forest, which will germinate new juçaras.